Choose Wisely is based on honesty. When a business signs up to participate, they must use cage-free eggs and let us know the brand. While the RSPCA doesn’t have the resources to monitor these commitments long-term, customers are encouraged to ask the staff at participating businesses about their food and whether the eggs are cage free, and if the pork and chicken was farmed to higher animal welfare standards.
What can you do?
Did you know that the majority of eggs used in cafés, restaurants and food service are cage eggs? We know you’re a good egg and we need your help to spread the message about supporting businesses choosing higher welfare food, here’s how:
+ Make Choose Wisely your go to when choosing where to eat out
+ When dining out, ask which dishes on the menu use higher welfare food, eg cage-free eggs
+ Add cafés and restaurants that you know use cage-free eggs to the directory as a customer suggestion
+ Follow us on Instagram @RSPCAchoosewisely and when dining out, tag your cage-free eggs with #rspcachoosewisely